
August 2024

Charging Forward: The Future of EV Technology and Infrastructure

The rapid evolution of charging technology is reshaping the electric vehicle (EV) landscape, making electric mobility more accessible and practical. These advancements make it clear that the transformation of EV technology is a comprehensive overhaul that promises to redefine the future of transportation.
May 2023

Which Solar and EV Charging Incentives Are Right for You?

Today more businesses are installing solar arrays and electric vehicle chargers, which has led to more grant programs, incentives, and tax credits to encourage the adoption of green technology. How can you tell which incentives are real and which are just advertising hype?
July 2022

Zions Technology Center Celebrates Final Milestone

The Hunt Electric Sustainable Energy Division brought all their experience, creativity, and expertise to bear on this project. From executives to project managers to our foreman on the project, leadership and passion led the way at every level.